Workplace Wisdom

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Welcome to Workplace Wisdom!

In 2010, I was working as a Project Manager for an executive recruiting company.  The owner and the majority of the leadership team were Christian. Through many conversations, bible studies, and prayers on how to help the company grow and succeed,  I became their Corporate Chaplin! And that’s how Workplace Wisdom began!

My years of experience in the public and private sectors, combined with my faith, has shown me how biblically based business principles leads to success. I completely understand that you or the companies you represent may not be faith-based businesses or have many Christians in leadership, and I fully respect that. But in the last seven years I’ve seen how Corporate Chaplaincy can work for any business that is willing to consult God and the scriptures to guide their success! Businesses I have worked with have seen many positive changes in their company-improvement in employee morale, an increase in new business, raise in revenue and less stress in the workplace! The results have been amazing!

Your business can benefit from services such as:
• Weekly leadership prayer and consultation calls
• Monthly Workplace Wisdom E-Newsletters
• Weekly open prayer calls and/or bible studies on topics such work/life balance, faith in the workplace, or handling stress biblically for staff and/or clients
• And more!

Contact me to learn how we can bring Godly wisdom to your workplace today!